When it comes to generating more website leads, home page strategy is one of the most powerful ways of converting visitors into customers.
In fact, it sets the tone for the entire visitor experience.
If you’ve heard of this strategy before, you’re probably nodding your head right now.
If not, pull up a chair and read on.
Home Page Strategy is like the movie ‘Inception’
You know, that really cool Christopher Nolan film? The one where Leonardo Dicaprio is trying to insert an idea into the mind of someone, and have them believe it’s their own?
Home page strategy is like that… sort of.
Simply put, it is the strategic layout of content and calls to action on the homepage of your website.
It’s goal is to intentionally lead the visitor. Not just have them ‘click around’ or rely on the top-level navigation.
If done correctly, you can get your visitor from point A to B all the while having them believe it was their own idea.
Pretty incredible stuff, eh?
How to implement Home Page Strategy on your website
Step 1: Ask yourself - what is YOUR goal for the visitor?
You need to know, beyond a reasonable of doubt, that the goal for your visitor is to... [insert your goal here].
If you’re on the fence - spend some time thinking about it. This is going to set the stage for what you do next.
Some examples could be:
- I want my visitor to see my latest promotions
- I want my visitor to visit my services page
- I want my visitor to pick up the phone and call me.
There can be more than one objective - in fact, you should build a list.
Secondary options are needed in case the visitor doesn’t follow the first path you’ve laid out.
Once you have a list made, prioritize it.
This will begin to create the hierarchy of your home page strategy.
Step 2: Create ‘teaser’ content
By now, you should have about 3-5 possible objectives for your visitor. The goal now is to grab their attention and entice them enough to want to explore more.
Put yourself in their shoes.
What problem(s) are solving for them? Show empathy. Help them understand that you really get them.
Each objective needs to have a compelling title, possibly an image, and a short ‘teaser’ description with call to action.
Step 3: Assemble your new Home Page
With your teaser content ready, it’s time to finalize the layout of your home page.
If you’re a designer (or working with one) you can handcraft something totally unique that plays to the type of business and customer exactly.
If you’re working with a pre-defined layout (like a Tymbrel Turn-Key Design or existing website) you’re bound to the structure in place.
As long as you’re working with a strong design, this is not a deal breaker.
The image below outlines a typical home page and how we’re guiding the visitor from our ‘top’ objective down to our secondary objectives.
Pro Tip: Always close a page with a final call to action. If the visitor hasn’t clicked on anything yet, throw a final statement at them rather than letting them scroll into the footer.
Step 4: Analyze. Adjust. Repeat.
Once you have a strategy in place - watch what your customers are doing.
Setup a schedule to review your strategies and decide if they’re working or if they need adjusting.
Things to consider:
- Does my top objective get the most action?
- Are certain calls to action working better than others?
- Which links get the most clicks?
- Do I feel like Leo right now? (just kidding)
A great way to get this data is by installing tracking tools on your website - like analytics and heatmaps.
Remember, your website is an organic, growing entity that is meant to be worked on continuously.
What’s your favourite way to implement home page strategy?
Share you comment below and help others convert more visitors to customers.